Toronto Star Referrer

Convoy could put energy into more important issues

They’re angry and heading to Ottawa for more ‘freedom,’ June 29

The big question for me is what more freedoms do they want?

They are free to vote, to worship or not, to protest (peacefully), to enter a hospital for medical treatment, to send their children to school.

They are free to express their opinions, as long as it is not full of vile and hateful rhetoric against an individual (including the prime minister) or group.

They are free to travel, and on this point, I would suggest they have a good long hard look at the freedoms and benefits of being a Canadian.

If it does not suit them, they are free to move south and join their like-minded folk in the United States.

I also want to ask them if they have read the recent ‘Human Freedom Index’ compiled by the Cato and Fraser Institutes, which places Canada in the top ten of 165 countries enjoying fundamental basic human freedoms, which is the envy of many citizens throughout the world.

How sad that these same people could not put as much energy and enthusiasm into fighting climate change, poverty, racism and discrimination among the many real challenges we face as a people and as a nation.

It seems their “joy” as one commented in this article is achieved at the expense of creating misery and loss of freedom for thousands of Ottawans. Matthew Marosszeky, Aurora





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