Toronto Star Referrer



1 Inner motivation 6 Patron of lost causes 10 Stage production 14 Column order

15 Victimized 16 Greek goddess

17 Evil habits 18 Ait

19 Above 20 Stretchy

22 As a substitute 24 Brewery product 25 Swed. neighbor 26 Table linen, often 30 Leisurely study 34 Poem of lament

35 Shish — 36 Pol. party 38 Slog through a puddle

39 Breakfast strip 40 Dashboard item

41 Title of respect, in India 42 Uxmal resident

43 Kemo Sabe's friend 44 Wisconsin capital 46 Rowboat

47 Winery cask 48 Certain sandwich 49 View

53 Egyptian monument 58 Delicious 59 Equal

61 Lake near Reno 62 Solitary

63 Pony's gait 64 Battery terminal

65 Besides 66 Dads, to granddads

67 Tibet neighbor


1 Airplane maneuver 2 Churn up 3 Andes empire 4 Competes for 5 Delight 6 Electricity 7 — Nimitz 8 NYC eatery 9 Blissful spot 10 Album contents 11 Taking advantage of 12 Territory 13 Patio view 21 Kind 23 Turned up at the tip 26 Morning moistures 27 Put on guard 28 Reconciliations 29 Geological period 30 Oval nut 31 Poet's black 32 Rushed off 33 Very reluctant 35 Prizefight event 37 Tactic 39 College degrees 40 Comedian — Knotts 42 Short skirt 43 Lhasa resident 45 Paul Hogan role 46 Work on sound tracks 48 Types 49 Eye impolitely 50 Combine, as resources 51 Chooses 52 Fiddling despot 54 Rustic road 55 Pancakes and waffles vendor 56 Fountain treat 57 Flat-bottomed barge 60 Time period





Toronto Star Newspapers Limited